Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome To Story Pro - Start Here

    • Story Pro - Your Workshop Resources

    • How To Succeed With Story Pro

    • The Anatomy Of A High Converting Presentation

  2. 2
    • Intro To The Story Pro Workbook

    • Workbook Section 1: Your Ideal Audience

    • Workbook Section 2: Who You Are

    • Workbook Section 3: Ingredients For Success

    • Workbook Section 4: Key Belief To Shift

    • Workbook Section 5: Objections And Success Stories

    • Workbook Section 6: Call To Action

  3. 3
    • Intro To The Unforgettable Origin Story

    • Starting Your Presentation Strong

    • Brainstorming Your Stories

    • Unforgettable Origin Story - The Three Act Play

    • Universalizing Statement

    • Belief Statement

    • Roadmapping Your Teaching

    • 8 Ways to Spice Up Your Storytelling

    • Origin Story Example: Kyle Gray

    • Origin Story Example: JR Burguess

    • Origin Story Example: Susan Schmitt

    • Practice Video Example: Nicole Jardim

  4. 4
    • Intro To Success Projection And Teaching To Sell

    • Strategic Teaching Points

    • Success Projection Stories

    • Teaching Enhancers

    • Success Projection Story Example - Grace Liu

    • Success Projection Story Example - Dr. Greg

  5. 5
    • Intro To Closing And Aligned Ending Stories

    • Grassroots Transition

    • The Offer / Next Step

    • Linear Path To Learning

    • Offer Optionals

    • Picture A Day

    • Aligned Ending Stories

    • Aligned Ending Story Example: Hidden Gem

  6. 6
    • 10 Simple Strategies to Get More Speaking Opportunities

    • 4 Ways To Sell And Engage More When You Teach

    • How To Shift Beliefs And Create Customers

    • 8 Dynamite Non-Verbal Communication Strategies

    • 5 Ways to Create More Customers When You Present

    • 10 Ways To Increase Engagement On Webinars

    • How To Make Your Stories More Relatable With The Universal Truth